About Me

Hey! It's Vineet here. I am currently in the 3rd year of my Undergrad course at Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur.
This love and hate kind of relationship with product development started back in 2019 when I was trying to figure out what I'm good at. In a short period, I learned a great deal about development and life in general. 20+ Personal Projects later, I got an opportunity to work as a MERN Stack developer in one of the startups where I built an eCommerce website from scratch.
Apart from these, I am really interested in the tech space. Nothing excites me more than the new tech innovations and gadgets. You can also find me writing Tech Blogs in my spare time.
And Yeah! Feel free to contact me for any Business or Project related queries. Maybe, I have the solution that you are looking for.

For any queries get in touch with me at:



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